Lakeside Flood Services 619-787-0639 Emergency 24 Hour
Lakeside Flood Services offer emergency flood services, water extraction, sewage spill clean-up and removal, drying-out, and restoration. We stand ready to take your call 24/7 dispatching trained flood technicians to your location, with a show up time usually within the hour. Upon arrival, an on site damage assessment and free estimate is provided.
Clean-up can begin immediately if necessary and the work usually includes the removal of building materials, as well as smoke, soot and water extraction of the entire affected area. Water damage from water leaks and pipe breaks require immediate emergency plumbing, drain and flood services. Important steps need to be taken to save your property from further damage, mold & mildew.
Water Extraction to Restoration
Water mitigation is the process of preventing or reducing a water damage disaster. If you call us fast after an event like a leaky pipe, flooded basement, a storm flooding your home with rainwater and other extreme weather events that cause floods in homes – we will be there to prevent additional damages while also restoring the structure back to its original form.
Water Extraction is often required when houses experience plumbing failures, have been hit by disastrous storms which caused flood waters into their homes; it could also occur from just having had some heavy rains inside one’s property due to poor roofing systems or drainage system problems.
Instead of replacing all water damaged items, our goal is to restore and repair them back to their former glory. At this stage, our team will also do any repairs to your home as well as take steps to remove and prevent mold growth

Lakeside Flood Services Q&A
How soon can we receive emergency flooding services? In most cases, we dispatch trained personnel (first responders) to your location well before sixty minutes with immediate on site damage assessment upon arrival.
Does our insurance provider cover your service? Your insurance policy dictates the terms of your coverage. However, owner policies differ, and in most cases insurance covers the costs to remedy your property damage. Remember… You have the right to pick and choose your own flood service and contractor.
Can your company work with my insurance adjusters to settle my claim? years of experience in making reasonable appraisals of damaged property are employed, preparing the necessary reports required by insurance companies in order to help settle the claim in a timely manner.
How long will it take to dry my property? Usually structures take 3-4 days, though some jobs require more time.
Has San Diego Flood Services been in business long? Since 2004, we’ve seen many floods and fires over the years, catching property owners off guard and causing everything from small mop ups to residential and commercial soakers.
Does it take long for mold to grow once a water loss has occurred? Molds are found virtually everywhere and molds can grow both indoor and outdoors within 24 hours.